Sunrise Divers - Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Write a Review of Sunrise Divers

If you have booked diving with Sunrise Divers before, whether for a day trip, a liveaboard, a PADI course or anything else, we do like to get feedback. Many customers we see personally at our dive shop, and we like to hear about your diving experiences. Some customers, especially for liveaboards, we don't see in person - if someone has booked online and is getting a transfer from their hotel, we might not get a chance to say hello "in the flesh", but do hope to get some comments after the trip by email. Many returning customers book with us again for liveaboards, and can't be just for the 10% discount, I hope we're doing something right too!

Now we are finally listed on TripAdvisor, which is quite a big website for getting reviews from previous customers. The site is big on hotels, but also has sections for tours and attractions where customers can leave reviews. We are now listed in the Phuket, Thailand section so we hope that if you've booked with us before you might be able to find a few minutes to leave a review. Hopefully a nice one! You can also upload photos, which would be nice to see. Or you can just click the little Facebook "Like" button.. a very quick way to tell us that you like us!

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We wish you happy Diving!